Track your SiriusXM earnings in real-time

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Plan your future royalty payments.
Get insight into how your songs are performing on SiriusXM.


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ShineX tracks more than

94,956 +

500,138 +

playing on SiriusXM.

ShineX Helps Artists Thrive

Trusted by hundreds of artists and music industry professionals

Which Songs Are Spinning?
Find Out Fast

With the click of a button, you can see which of your songs are getting played. ShineX tells you up-to-the-minute how all of your songs are performing on satellite radio.

Calculate Your Royalties
Down to the Penny

ShineX gives you real data that shows exactly how much money you're earning on Satellite Radio. It calculates your SoundExchange SDARS royalties to make sure you're getting paid everything you deserve.

Claim Your Songs
the Moment They Start to Spin

ShineX Radar alerts you when every song begins to spin, so you can claim it and start getting paid. Plus, you can avoid disputes by making sure no one else claims it first.

Track & Compare your performance, and those of other artists

Rank your own performance or compare any artists. Find out who is spinning more on satellite radio, and exactly how they rank.

How much royalties should you be getting from SiriusXM?

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We want you to be completely satisfied with ShineX.

If not, simply cancel within 30 days and automatically get a refund. No questions asked!

Stop wondering if you're getting paid all the royalties you're owed.

Try ShineX and find out instantly.